Sunday, April 4, 2010

NSW Pubs and Clubs, lock out or rock out?

How do we, as Australians reduce the number of incidences of alcohol related violence? Early closing times, and 1am lockouts are not the answer, says NSW Premier Kristina Keneally. This may have been the solution in Newcastle, however Ms Keneally has said that "There is no silver bullet here, there is no one-size-fits-all approach." Police officers, doctors and paramedics would beg to differ, still calling for bans on shots, cocktails, mix drinks and any drinks containing over 5% alcohol after 10pm. Followed by 1 am lockouts.

For Sydneysiders this solution is not be an option, due to the many attractions that Sydney has to offer to the 'night owls' of the world. These attractions are frequented, not only by residents themselves, but tourists who travel from within Australia and around the world to participate in what they have to offer. The majority of patrons can drink safely and in a responsible manor, however there few that can not seem to control themselves and this is where the issue is created.

Ms Keneally does not want to turn NSW into a "dull and boring" state, and in fact there have been calls for pubs and clubs to be open 24 hours. The premise behind this is that, if all of the alcoholically over lubricated patrons are flooding onto the streets between 3 and 5 when the establishments are closing, then there is an influx of people into small areas. Especially around 3, when it is the designated Taxi changeover time. This creates a situation where there are few feasible transport options, and so there is commotion on the streets. Consequently, something has got to give, and that can on occasion result in violence, that most likely would not occur, had the parties involved not been under the influence of alcohol.

Ms Keneally's view that there is no "one-size-fits-all approach" is of great value, as our alcohol problem in Australia and NSW is a highly cultural problem, a solution needs to be created from within our culture. Otherwise, for example, we could just copy Italy, and have no legal drinking age. But we are not Italian, we are Australian.

What is your opinion? Lock out or rock out? Have your say in the comments section.